Early Learning Collaborative
You are the first. You are the first to greet them at the door and teach them all that school can be, places of curiosity and discovery, wonder and awe, funny playmates, and patient teachers. It is here that they will learn about how to cooperate and share, participate in a community of their own, to persist and practice, to tie and untie, to build and rebuild.
Join our monthly Early Childhood Collaborative, where we will share ideas and resources, discuss the NH Early Learning Standards, plan engaging and meaningful lessons and play-based activities, supporting children's learning and development, partnering with families, and creating warm and active learning spaces. Convenient video meetings allow all early childhood educators to participate!
Professional Development Hours
In your first year, you'll meet with Dr. Kelly Dunn to establish
a professional development plan for continuous learning and a Diocese of Manchester certificate or state licensure. Those already credentialed can use these hours toward recertification. Contact Dr. Dunn at kmdunn@schoolhouseservices.org.
2024 Meeting Dates: 3:00-4:00pm
October 21
November 18
December 16
January 27
February 17
March 17
April 21,
May 19
Early Childhood Educator Resources
Dr. Susan Peterson has vetted and organized countless resources for early childhood educators, to make your time with children joyful and nurturing.
Dr. Peterson's Pinterest Boards!
Click the Pinterest icon to view Dr. Peterson's board.
Check out this month (but not limited to):
Self Control; Quiet; Calm; and Rest
Look at Boards:
Calm Down Kit
Children and Anger
Classroom management
Personal Space
Trauma Stress and Children
Other Prek Experts!
Click the Prek Pages icon to check out Vanessa Levin's free resources and podcast.
"Founded in 2001 by early childhood educator Vanessa Levin, Pre-K Pages has been providing science-backed, hands-on, standards-based curriculum and teaching resources for over 20 years. Our mission is to elevate early childhood education as a profession, and to provide the leadership, support, and resources pre-k and preschool teachers need to help their students succeed." Vanessa Levin, www.prekpages.com